This section is dedicated to the Gods and Planets. Here you will find a description of each planetary archetype and corresponding deity

All the planets, gods, goddesses, & astrological signs represent an archetypal self. They are all seen as energetic aspects of the psyche. These archetypes play out in many different ways in our lives and represent our strengths & weaknesses. These symbols offer us wisdom, advice, and suggestions to integrate these archetypes into our psyche by developing healthy relationships with these celestial forces. The gods communicate with us through dreams, ritual work, meditation, our emotions, sensations, & symbolic imagery. The teachings of these archetypes take us on an inner dimensional journey by guiding us back to wholeness. The quest of the explorer into the esoteric and alchemical realms of symbolism is to do so from a holistic perspective as opposed to the current model of a scientific worldview that isolates and views our reality as purely intellectually understood through what we can see with our own eyes. These realms are understood through the development of our intuition, psychic capabilities, and trust in an underlying order. The goal of understanding the archetypes is to develop, transform, & refine each of these celestial energies within ourselves and embody their highest virtues.


Element: Earth

Day of the Week: Saturday

Astrological sign: Capricorn, Aquarius

Exaltation: Libra

Detriment: Cancer, Leo

Fall: Aries

Tarot card: The hermit

Archetype: The Hermit

God: Chronos

Metal: Lead

Medical Astrology: skin, hair, bones, teeth, musculoskeletal, boundaries, spleen

Energetics: cold, drying

Ayurvedic Constitution: kapha

TCM: Yin

Humor: Melancholy

Chakra: Root Chakra (Muladhara)

PLants: Horsetail, Solomans seal, Mullein, Boneset

Evolutionary teaching: learn to overcome psychological limitations & boundaries that inhibit growth.

Saturn is our greatest teacher known as father time. Teacher of karmic lessons and ancestral bearings. Through Saturn, we enter into the realm of manifestation. It is said that Saturn captures all of the spiritual energy and focuses on that energy by channeling it into manifestation. It is the organizing force, through structure & discipline we learn to accomplish our goals. His archetype is one of the most controversial energies of all the planets and is often viewed as a malefic & extremely challenging force. However, I believe that there is great wisdom in the authentic understanding of this planetary influence and when we learn to truly understand the true nature and teachings of this wise sage can we authentically evolve. This planet is deeply misunderstood and often viewed as a negative and dreadful force. The energetics of Saturn are cold, rigid, drying, constrictive, and limiting. Saturn is often viewed for its dark, gloomy, disease manifesting & inhibiting dynamics.

From an evolutionary astrological perspective, it is said that Saturn’s benefits may be greater or more substantial than those of any other planet. Every planetary influence has a positive & negative side. We can choose to view these dualistic aspects as either challenging or something we have the opportunity to learn from, developed or undeveloped. Evolutionary astrology provides us with a roadmap, the astrological wheel is a roadmap back to self-realization. It is not our destined fate that we are unable to break free from, but from an evolutionary perspective, we see the signs and planets as our greatest teachers. Astrology provides us with the tools and the language to understand how to navigate ourselves, our lives, & our relationships with others. It shows us where our strengths & weaknesses are. It is up to us whether we want to believe in the power of the archetypes or not however it is also our responsibility to view the energies of these planets from a new light in order to truly learn how to cultivate a more harmonious relationship with them and therefore inherently a more harmonious relationship within ourselves.

Saturn is considered to be the layer of the law often identified & associated as the god of the old testament who was obsessed with rigid enforcement. Saturn is also seen as the “father” or “grandfather”, which can also symbolize problems with the father figures that played a role in our lives that sought to mold, control, restrict, & dominate their own image according to their own beliefs and standards onto us. “ a dysfunctional family is a self-perpetuating institution” - modern psychology. In order to shift our perspective about the negative influences of Saturn and break free from old patterns, one must learn to develop a positive and healthy understanding/ relationship with Saturn by learning to understand the deeper teachings of this Wise old teacher.

Saturn represents our limitations & boundaries. Saturn is also considered to be our greatest inner teacher. The archetype is associated with the Hermit known as the wise spiritual sage who takes time for himself to reflect upon his inner spiritual guidance and teachings. If we learn from the lessons this planet has to teach us we learn that Saturn is also our greatest mentor and through him may we learn to break free from our own inner chains and restrictions we place upon ourselves.

Saturn is the foundation on which we stand upon. If the foundation is not solid, we cannot build because everything will eventually collapse. Through Saturn, we learn the lessons of patience, strategy, responsibility, structure, methodical organization, value, order, & discipline. When Saturn isn’t well integrated into our psyche we may view this as someone who isolates themselves, lacks confidence, has low energy, over very negative, depressed, standoffish, fearful, has a victim mentality, confined, & limited. However, on the opposing side, we learn that once we can recognize these dynamics within ourselves we learn that the only way through the darkness is through the taking of personal responsibility for the experiences we encounter.

“ When the disciple knows Saturn as the God who offers opportunity and does not only feel him to be deity who brings disaster, then he is on the path of discipleship in truth and in deed and not just theoretically. “

  • Alice A Bailey ( Esoteric Astrology )


One of the Seven Titans. His father was Ouranos (father sky) and his mother was Gaia (mother earth). When Kronos became of age and his father became tyrannical he decided to overthrow his father to become the “king of the Gods” Kronos himself hated the fact that his father was so controlling & domineering, however thus in term he became domineering in his turn.