This section is dedicated to the Gods and Planets. Here you will find a description of each planetary archetype and corresponding deity

All the planets, gods, goddesses, & astrological signs represent an archetypal self. They are all seen as energetic aspects of the psyche. These archetypes play out in many different ways in our lives and represent our strengths & weaknesses. These symbols offer us wisdom, advice, and suggestions to integrate these archetypes into our psyche by developing healthy relationships with these celestial forces. The gods communicate with us through dreams, ritual work, meditation, our emotions, sensations, & symbolic imagery. The teachings of these archetypes take us on an inner dimensional journey by guiding us back to wholeness. The quest of the explorer into the esoteric and alchemical realms of symbolism is to do so from a holistic perspective as opposed to the current model of a scientific worldview that isolates and views our reality as purely intellectually understood through what we can see with our own eyes. These realms are understood through the development of our intuition, psychic capabilities, and trust in an underlying order. The goal of understanding the archetypes is to develop, transform, & refine each of these celestial energies within ourselves and embody their highest virtues.


Element: Air

Day of the Week: Thursday

Astrological sign: Sagittarius, Pisces

Exaltation: Cancer

Detriment: Gemini, Virgo

Fall: Capricorn

Tarot card: Wheel of Fortune, Temperance

Archetype: Thor

God: Zeus, Odin

Metal: Tin

Medical Astrology: liver, thighs, growth

Energetics: Cold/Damp

Ayurvedic Constitution: Kapha, Vata

TCM: Yang

Humor: Sanguine/ Choleric

Chakra: Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

Plants: Burdock, Dandelion, Milk thistle, Cow parsnip, Gentian

Evolutionary teaching: Expansion, Growth, Radiance, greater visions, life purpose. To view things from a greater persepective, To go out and pursue your goals and aspirations, Seeing the positive side of things

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and was seen as the king of the gods. Both the Sun and Jupiter are viewed as “kingly” planets. Jupiter is the “king” of the gods and the Sun is known to be the “king” of the planets depicted as the “inner king”. Both planets are very powerful masculine forces & when united their function brings order into chaos. They are known for harnessing the energy to take your core purpose in life and to strive towards conscious achievement. When the Sun and Jupiter are in conscious alignment it gives us the motivation to refine our personal power towards directed focus. The Sun and Jupiter are both considered to be the “inner king” or inner father figure with both energies bestowing the determination towards a specific purpose in life, while Mars seen as the “inner warrior” completes the actual tasks at hand. The Sun is the essential core essence of our being that motivates us towards an authentic goal in our lives, however, it is only when both the Sun and Jupiter are both in balanced harmony that we take those aspirations and goals and make them a reality.

Jupiters role is to take our passions, aspirations, & goals and direct them toward tangible accomplishment. Jupiters influence also provides us with the opportunity for growth, expansion, & abundance. Through the domain of this planetary energy, we perceive through the lens of optimism, trust, & acceptance of life. People that embody a well-developed Jupitarian influence into their psyche will display a lack of fear and have an independent nature & desire to become autonomous. This planetary archetype is all about actualization and discovery of meaning. The influence of this planet allows us to see the deeper meanings in life and to understand the underlying forces at play. People with a prominent Jupiter influence in their chart are very philosophical and have a fearlessness & openness toward the foreign or unfamiliar. The questions we may ask ourselves when it comes to understanding the archetypal meaning of the energy of Jupiter are, what kind of attitude do we embody when it comes to being directed to accomplishing our goals? Where are we at mentally, psychologically, & emotionally towards our intentions for success?

Jupiter is known as a greater benefic planet seen as highly optimistic, uplifting, jovial, benevolent, generous, and positive energy that bestows good luck & fortune upon one’s being. The archetype of Jupiter is regarded as the inner teacher, guru, & wise sage. He is also rendered to be an authority figure and a sovereign ruler. Jupiters actions bear fruit, wherever there is a strong Jupitarian influence there lies abundance & prolific creativity. The motivating forces & functions of Jupiter are to benefit the whole. Through the perception of Jupiter, we learn to see beyond our limitations & boundaries allowing things to be seen from greater points of view in order to gain new insight. Jupiter provides us with the wisdom to assist us through life.

With a strong Jupiter influence in our charts, we may find that this planet may lead us to find our “bliss” in life or purposeful fulfillment. Through the dominion of Jupiter, we strive towards change and meaning. The evolutionary lessons of this planet teach us that we are our own inner teacher, that through maintaining an openness and curiosity to life we learn through experience & the possibilities of development. Jupiter represents the masculine principle in our psyche that expresses as the fearless warrior and in time through having the courage to go out into the world and find deeper meaning & purpose can we fully actualize ourselves into our inner king. Through the lessons this planetary influence bestows upon us we learn to break through old patterns, limiting perspectives, & beliefs. We remember that it is truly possible to attain anything we truly desire to achieve when it comes from a space of authenticity. We gain true wisdom through the experiences we encounter in our lives.

With a well-developed Jupitarian influence into our psyche, we will see someone that recognizes & understands that in order for movement, life, & growth to become possible one must not be confined to rigid laws and beliefs. They have the understanding that they aren’t the center of the universe and their way of seeing and viewing the world isn’t the only view there is. Gaining a new orientation in life means overcoming the old conditioned patterns of behavior and breaking through rigid ways. Our greatest possible development lies in the understanding of our relationship to this planetary influence. When we allow ourselves to observe and acknowledge our internal struggles & battles through a philosophical and deeper understanding we may learn to work through old conflicts & inner tensions, which may ultimately lead us to understand our true purpose in this lifetime. People with a well navigated and developed Jupiter have a higher purpose & greater vision. Their mission in life is to strive for something much greater. Jupiter sees the patterns of the all and has the ability to piece the connection of the greater picture. These people are also very optimistic are have the ability to view things from a positive perspective seeing the good or light in all things. These people have the understanding that life isn’t happening to us and that when we are able to view life from a higher perspective can we see that everything has something to teach us. Jupiter has the ability to shift our perspective to see the blessings in every situation. Other well-developed aspects are people who are enthusiastic, joyful, empowering, very wise, radiant, have good judgment, confident, & are driven.

On the other hand with an excess or overabundance with too much of this planetary influence that isn’t very well integrated we may see overconsumption, stagnation, addiction, overindulgence, poor boundaries, & toxicity. With a poorly aspected Jupitarian influence we may see people with an inability to be practical, overly optimistic, ignorant, stuck in indoctrinated beliefs or intellectual & philosophical ways of thinking, overextend themselves, careless, greedy, denial, have an inability to see the reality of things or the negative aspects, & may be avoidant. Jupiter is all about the expansion of our capacity to shift our limitations to greater perspectives. It’s about maintaining the faith in all that is possible & having the courage and faith in ourselves to achieve our goals & dreams.

“ The planets & Gods temporally and spatially the farthest away are also those most distant in the soul. In them, we encounter myths in ourselves that we actually only suspect, or retrospectively intuit, and are able to conceptualize but poorly. Many things may touch on early, scarcely knowable childhood memories, other things on dreams or archaic terrors. There are seams between consciousness and the unconscious, between the personal unconscious and the collective or cosmic unconscious, but they close up if willfully approached”

- Gods & Planets


The king of all gods, god of immortals, thunder, ruler of many kingdoms and worlds & considered to be “father sky”. His mother loved and adored him and he found himself very supported by the motherly archetype and female figures in his life therefore he was able to develop into a strong man because he was deeply cared for and surrounded by positive feminine influences. His father was Kronos and his Mother Rhea. He was married to hera and together they birthed Ares, Hebe, & Hephaestus.