What are archetypes?

‘‘Every one of us is hardwired at the level of the soul to enact or model certain archetypal characteristics. They are seeds sown within us. When a seed sprouts, it releases the patterning forces that allow it to grow into a certain type of plant. The activations of an archetype release its patterning forces that allow us to become more of what we are already destined to be. Adopting an archetype is not labeling, because it is not about limitations. Quite the opposite. Archetypes are life models, images, and ideas that guide the direction of your life towards your soul’s ultimate destiny. Recognizing your true nature and allowing it to blossom is part of the beauty of living from the level of the soul. You can become the hero or the heroine of a mythical saga. The blueprint that the universe intends for you is found at the level of the soul. We get clues in the form of coincidences, and we get guidance in the form of archetypes.’’ 

-Deepak Chopra 

  Archetypes are potentials within our psyche. These potentials exist as aspects of the collective unconsciousness. Myths and archetypes are images of powers within the soul.

“ the planets are the gods, symbols of the powers of the unconscious” - Jung 1972.

They are primordial images in the human soul that structure reality and exist as underlying psychic structures. These stories, myths, images, & symbols are ancient and ubiquitous, they reside within the universal mind of God. They appear and are primarily found in the form of images and symbols. It is said that the archetypes are the seven levels of consciousness represented by the planets. They structure the vocabulary for the psyche itself through which one can communicate with their own inner depths. We all contain the power to awaken and understand the deeper meanings of these archetypes within ourselves and to utilize them as allies.  The power of these images and symbols lies at the root of all human feelings, thoughts, and desires. 

The ancients believed that learning to understand these patterns is the only true knowledge there is, for they are the real spiritual wisdom that lies behind the world of the seen. In the mystery traditions, much of the teachings were taught through the usage of archetypes in myths, stories, and symbols. Having a relationship and ample understanding of these archetypes speaks to the deepest level of our being. These higher intelligences have played a vital role in the creation of the human psyche. The physical energies in our external reality are often a reflection of a larger spiritual reality.  the archetypes offer a gateway to understanding the higher realms. The power of working with these forces lies in the ability to inform and transform our lives. When we begin to work with these divinities we awaken our ability to interact with these teachers for growth. Taking this path leads us on a path to wholeness. This is a path of the true initiate and path of illumination. Jung believed that archetypes don’t just pattern behavior they transform it as well. These guides give us knowledge, support, and create harmony around larger parameters of perceptions. Our job is to become conscious of these inner dimensions and observe and listen to the powerful messages of wisdom we receive from these realms. In Jungian psychology when we connect with a god or goddess we gain the power to draw on these qualities within ourselves. Consciously and unconsciously we all live by personal mythologies, these energies are the infrastructure that informs our lives.

Archetypal principles drive the individuation process, the planets symbolize these principles.  The purpose of working with and understanding these energies is to recognize the root causes of our difficulties and then take responsibility for our own healing processes. By doing so we begin to figure out what mythologies we’ve been programmed by that structure our belief systems and the reality we perceive around us, what cultural mythologies have we adopted that keep us living in fear, insecurity, and scarcity? Through the use of ritual, dreams, and story we challenge ourselves to understand the deeper workings of our psyche and take the steps towards evolving consciousness. 


Old ways (Ora et Labora)